Welcome to Undeath

Welcome to the world of undeath, darling new Unborn. There's much to see, much to learn so please take as much time as you need to collect yourself to the next stage of your life here with us in the In Between. You'll see much here and be able to participate in a slew of lifestyle choices and changes are you shape your new life here with the District Lords and other virtues alike.There's plenty to see and do, so please take as long as you need to adjust to the things we have to offer. Some of the things you can see here are:

  • Species Currency

  • Giveaways & Raffles

  • Art & Writing Prompts

  • Lore Events and holidays

  • Adopt batches

  • And more to come~!

We operate primarily out of Discord where you'll get the majority of events, news, and interaction so please join and keep an eye for what's to come in the future.We Staff Virtues welcome you into your new life, come join us and see what kind of sins you participate in!

About Us & The Virtues

The Twisted Virtues started as a one individual's dream to have a species that tackle some pretty adult and troubling topics as a way to learn to cope and self heal. The Virtues went through at the time of writing (2025) 4 iterations, and an additional co-owner, to have a species that we are proud of and love to interact with and make content for. Starting with just a singular idea with a few traits that add a horror aspect into a pool of cute and adorable species was an idea waiting to be pounced on to expand the ever-growing list for folks to choose from. It's since grown into a remarkable species with unique traits, 3 types of virtues to enjoy, and interesting but adult lore that can be enjoyed and really dive head first into.The Virtues began as a simple species, one that granted was about the same as any other species you'd find on Toyhouse or DeviantArt. However, now after a total of 3 years working on them with my partner we've launched it into its very own ARPG that we're proud of. The Twisted Virtues now have key characters that house their own stories, their own ambitions, and their own secrets to uncover and tell. Shops with mysterious and shady owners, temples with the prayers of salvation to become what they call a Redeemed that hangs tantalizingly close, and the darker threat of the Damned that lurks behind every shadow.There's plenty to discover and we're proud to keep going with new events, new content, and new ways to love these little in between creatures that are just trying to do their best to come to terms with their own mistakes.

The Mascots


Love knows no boundsComes from the Lust DistrictSeer for all districtsDeath era was early 2000sWitch in life


Love followed to the next life.Comes from the Wrath DistrictSpymaster for Wrath LordDeath era was early 2000sWitch in life

The In Between

The In Between has always existed, at least as long as the district Lords themselves have. However, that does not mean it's always been as modern and vibrant as it is today. Like with the Living world it grows with the new additions of sin and the qualities the virtues possess over time. In its current state it is almost as if it's its own world; each district practically a city, with its own ancient and modern technology.How Virtues get here however, is something that only Lord Pride will truly know and understand, as he was the first sin to wake. The Well of Whispered Essence is where virtues are Unborn from wisps, in the heart of the Pride district. Pride has made sure there's a team of dedicated virtues of his own choosing to help guide the new Unborn on their way and get accustomed to the life of Virtue.The almost opposite, the Onyx Gates, only whispered about in rumours have been told can also be found within the Pride district. A personal reminder and consequence of Lucanis' actions to the first man Adam. However, if it does exist and it is within the Pride district, no one yet has found it.



The largest district of them all. The outer city dawns a modern look similar to the Living world cities; with scrying glass being used for skyscrapers and windows to allow Pride to keep an eye on his district from anywhere. However, the inner city; the heart of the Pride district rests a massive, Victorian cathedral that Pride calls home.The Pride district is also where new Virtues are created, discover their district, and help get accustomed to life after their Living world deaths. Many Virtues decide to stay to pass that streak along when previous mentor Virtues move on, get Redeemed, or Lords forbid - become Damned.With the size of the Pride district, it is no surprise that most festivals can be held within its gated quarters - and the most precious being held within the cathedral itself. Both Pride's Masquerade, and Lusteria's Velvet Gala are held within the stone walls of the cathedral.Within this district also holds the Well of Whispered Essence. This well seeps a Virtue's magickal essence in what could only be rumored at a tear into the ether. Virtue wisps that are ready to move on into this Unlife will fly out of the well and take form into whatever their wisp desires, where thusly a new Virtue has been created.Just as likely somewhere hidden within the Pride district rests the Onyx Gates. These gates are only rumored to exist for the sole reason - no one but Lord Pride himself and a small handful of his most trusted know where or if it's even located. These gates take a Virtue beyond the known In Between into a hellish landscape where only the worst go to eternally cause chaos and mayhem - The Damned. However, Lord Pride refuses to speak on the topic in light hearted conversation.


The District of Gluttony is home to one of the largest libraries known in both the In Between and the Living world. It houses every piece of information known to the Living kind, as well as all the information Solace has claimed since the sin of Gluttony existed.Venturing into the district of Gluttony can be dangerous if you are not careful however, as the district is littered with hoards of . . . Well everything. Other Lords tend to bash Lord Gluttony for allowing his district to be covered in filth, however Lord Solace pays no mind, as he has already begun more projects for knowledge.Despite the filthy appearance, the Gluttony district houses not just the largest and most varied sources of cuisine - foods from all time periods, and hundreds of each throughout the walls - but also communities that have formed familial clans. Those who had nowhere else to be in life, those who were not good enough, the outcasts have found the district of Gluttony comforting. With plenty of objects, bits and bobs, food, and friends they would rather wallow in the filth of the district than leave and risk losing that.


The district that sleeps. One that most appears not like the Living world, the In Between, or the Hells. Created solely and maintained by Sloth himself, is a land of creatures of myth, legend, and even bedtime stories told to children to keep them well behaved. Most of the linen and stuffing for toys, beddings, and more can be found from the sheered sleepy sheep of Sloth.


The land of Envy is a dangerous one, unlike Wrath or Pride, or even Lust they play The Game very well. Those that call Envy's district home are always playing The Game, and you're unsure if they are being friendly or finding information on how to bring your downfall. If you wish to spend a long period of time here you better brush up on what it means to be part of the political Game. Despite the political dance that is waltzed here, the environment appears decrepit, almost mausoleum style buildings with wisp fire that glows in purples and blues.


Lust's district is home to many brothels, open sex work is smiled upon here, but also sights and scents that are longing and yearning for; as well as nostalgic for. Out of all districts some would say Lust's is the most freeing and comforting. Perhaps that is because it actually is, or Lusteria's vapours make you lose track of time, and you stay a little too long. Sometimes you don't leave afterward. However, Lust works closely with Envy to make up the fashion industry in the In Between.


A city so polluted of anger, hate, and full of crime no one stays besides Virtues of Wrath for long periods of time. Neon lights, Lusteria's brothels for a rougher sort, and more can be found here. A draw however, is Wrath's cage fighting that tickets can be found to periodically.


The district of Greed is perhaps the wealthiest - with Ivanka leading the stocks and holding ultimate power. If you can think of it there's a shop here. It's also one of the oldest districts going as far back in its outskirts of old ruins and market stalls that look like they date back to the B.C era.


The Unborn

The Unborn are virtues that come from wisps from the Well of Whispered Essence. They had a Living life before their Undeath. These virtues have the marks of sin and death on their persons and can be identified as such. These virtues may or may not remember their pasts, and some may choose to embrace their given sin to a truly dark level.The Unborn are able to redeem themselves and become the Redeemed of the Ethereals, but also risk falling back into Virtuehood. They also can choose to accept their sins and irreparably corrupt their essence, mutating and contorting into the Damned. To date a Virtue that has become Damned has never made it back to Virtuehood.

The Essenceborne

Two virtues with the desire to create life, or three virtues deeply in love, fall into a hazy lust upon drinking the ambrosia of Lust - Bashful Liqueur.They are granted the knowledge of a secret grove in the lust district where the essence flow of the in-between is particularly strong. Once the couple or throuple has ventured to this secluded area they indulge in only the most passionate of lusts embraces.Now, it is important that the virtues in question discuss who will carry the child beforehand. A handful of outcomes could happen based on how the virtues perceive themselves.Solace has observed the following in this regard:It appears that the virtue who had agreed to birth the child before embarking on this venture becomes with child, obviously, shortly after leaving the grove. It can take 2-3 weeks for the essence swirling within their body to become noticeable. Once noticeable it is just a short week later when the essence has weaved itself into a new form of being and is ready to depart from the safety of the birthing parent's body.There are, however, a few variations on how this occurs...If the birthing Virtue is a man, they must return to Lusteria, where she will perform a small ritual blessing before carefully cutting the babe from the father's belly. They are healed fairly quickly once the infant is removed but it has been seen to leave a decent scar along their abdomen. This can be magickally concealed by Lusteria if requested, but will always be in their flesh regardless of the glamor.If the birthing Virtue is a woman, there seems to be no deviation from the natural process by which the Living bring their children into the world. The only real change is that the timeline is much shorter. However, they must also venture back to Lusteria for the process, which will be handled by two or more of the lord's personal maidens.If the birthing Virtue is neither male nor female, or feels as if they are both, they return to Lusteria. The lord then shares a sweet kiss with the parent as she extracts the essenceborns slowly with her magics. This process is the longest process as it is of upmost importance to her lordship that no discomfort or mental strain is put on this new parent.Regardless of method, Lord Gluttony speculates these Essenceborn will not age past the physical age of 10 for an entire Earth year. Hopefully, by then, the lords of lust and gluttony will have conjured an elixir to grant these children the ability to grow into adults and experience their own lives without their parents.
It's important to note, all essenceborn are bound to the in-between, meaning that they can neither ascend to redemption nor fall to damnation. It appears each Essenceborn is a Lust-cast Virtue.

The Damned

The Damned are Virtues that have eternally fallen and are a truly horrific bunch. Unborn or Redeemed that have committed an irreversible sin and caused them to fall further than even the In Between become Damned. These creatures have been banished beyond the Onyx Gates where the Hollow known as Adam - the First Man - and his wife Lilith, were locked away by Pride many millennia ago.That being said it means their entire being contorts into something monstrous, and we have noted it is possible for even the first Lords to become these creatures. The most known and infamous example of this is Pride lord Lucanis - while he still remains the In Between Lord of Pride, after his committed atrocity that was the banishment of Adam, he had changed. He now lives eternally shackled and his once luxurious golden wings decay, feathers forever falling. He will never be redeemed, and he is lucky he did not follow Adam in the fall.Currently no further known information can be scribed, Lord Lucanis forbids all to enter the Onyx Gates.

The Redeemed

The Redeemed are ascended Virtues that have learned and grew from their Living sins, and their deaths that brought them to the In Between. They are minor Ethereals, and embody forgiveness, humility, and resilience. They are typically known to protect the Living world, guide souls, and occasionally assist in containing the Damned.These particular Virtues are not quite full Ethereal, however are as close as they will ever be. However, despite not fully Ethereal, they still hold power over the Living world as well as the Damned. Perhaps they are not quite pure due to their ability to once again fall and become Damned, a horrible fate and a death sentence amongst the Major Ethereals.We have observed that those from the Living world may not be able to achieve the full Ethereal. While very rare, there are cases where the Essenceborne who ascend have an opportunity to become pure Ethereal. However, if they have, they have not made themselves known.More may come to be known about the Redeemed with more research.








Lusteria's Velvet Gala

Lusteria's Velvet Gala is the event which Essenceborne are blessed and born. Lusteria holds a large event lasting multiple days for those to engage in the lustful sin while being rewarded.Prizes are given, raffles, and new Virtues with Lustful traits can be acquired at this time.

Start Date: 02/02/xx

Start Date: 05/??/xx

Pride's Masquerade

Pride's Masquerade is a ball Lucanis holds at the start of Summer to give you some self pride. Body positivity, mental wellness, and a little vanity is good in moderation.Prizes, raffles, prompts and more take place.

Surface Bonfire

The bonfire is one of the only times a year all virtues are allowed to enter the living world without a Lord's permission seal. The heat of summer's air brings life to a party, and cool ocean water cools the wings and bodies of all virtues alike.Prizes, prompts, limited event traits, and more happen here.

Start Date: 07/??/xx

Start Date: 10/05/xx

Haunting Hollow Fest

A Hollow fest held for the Will-o-Wisps that have a chance to become Unborn Virtues. A festival also held in the Damned Lord's honour each year.All districts house Trick-r-Treating, carnival games and prizes, special Hollow Candies currency, and more!

Virtue Thanksgiving

It's a good time to give thanks to all, whether your Thanksgiving is in November or not. All virtues no matter your hierarchy gather around the same table and break bread and give their thanks to one another.Prompts, The Thank Bucket, prizes, and more.

Start Date: 11/05/xx

Start Date: 12/15/xx


While the Living world goes into a rebirth cycle of temporary sleep, so does the In Between. The festival of Sloth, the sleeping prince takes place now. Ethereals may be spotted.Prizes, event currency, limited event traits, and more.


Official Adopts that have not sold yet. All adopts in USD. Check price category and if there's one you'd want to buy, please go into our Discord and message the designer. Unsure who? You can always message BinniBunni directly or open one of our tickets~!





Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link
BinniBunniMorticia 'Aloe' WaltzToyhouse
BinniBunniWitchlight SpectreToyhouse


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link
Fairy_CandyArmand de MontmorencyToyhouse
Fairy_CandyDionysus MalachiToyhouse


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link
NikLNipsAmari CaelanToyhouse
NikLNipsCroix FlorinToyhouse
NikLNipsTao AnToyhouse


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link
S3izuresGhost KnightToyhouse


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link
Tiny_KaineBacchus KashiroToyhouse
Tiny_KaineThe HungerToyhouse


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link


Owner NameVirtue NameVirtue Link